16o The Crucifying of the world, holinefs that you would make it your dailycare and ftudy to fane&ifieyour very trades and worldly labours, and all the mer- cies and matters of your lives. For it is not a bare contempt of the world that will ferve. If you fhould peep out your daies and never think of the world , or if as Melancholy men you fhould be weary of your lives, becaufe of the vexatious miferies of the world , all this is little to Chriflian Mortification. But if you can fee and tafle the Goodtiefs, and Greatnefs, and W ifdom of God in every thing you have or do, this is the ufïng the world arighr. But loot fbould a manger hisfoul to that frame to carry on hrs,calling in order to god, and to fee huts, and intend him in all that Wekveor do. Anft. TodifFarch it in a word, thus a. Be lure that God bb habitually your End in the main. For if you take him not for your Portion, and intend him not habitually in the drift of your lives, youcannot rightly intend him in particulars. z. Make it your every daies prayer to God, before you go about the la- bours of your calling, that he would give you hearts to feek him in all , and would watch over you , and fave you from enfnaring temptations , and remember you of himfelf, and give infome- what of hirntelf by his creatures and fan&ifie them all to you. 3. Keep up a godly jealoufie of your hearts , Jo they fhould abufe the creature, and leek it and ufe it more for your carnall . felves then for God. If God be jealous its time for you to be jealous of your felves. Efpecialy when the finis the moil com- mon, and radicali, and detiroying fin. 4. Before you goabout your callings , bethink your felves howyou may Improve them for God. Find out his Interefl, and Rudy how to promote it ; and how to improve all that he gives you to that end. And renew your particular Intentions of God, in the midft of your work. y. When you receive or ufe any creature confider it both as a mercyand as an obligation unto duty ; and as you will not run over the Bible by bare reading, without confidering what is the meaning, but will endeavour to take the fenfe as you go ; fodo in your callings and about all the creatures. Think withyour felves, [ Here is now a lefon in my hand, , if I canbut learn it. Here is fowewhat that may /hew me, both Godbimfalf and myduty; if 1 could but skilfully open it , and un ierftand it. ] And fo be- think