162 T'he Crocifjing of the world, Direll. 7. O be much in the boufe of mourning and fee the endóf all the living will help us towards the Crucifying of the world. Go among the fick ; and hear what they fay of the world. Stand'by the dying, and fee what it will do for them; and think now, whether God or the world be better. Look on the corpfes of your deceafed friends and think now, Whether the foul be ever the_better for all the riches and plea- lures of the world ? Take notice of the graves and bones of the dead, and i hink what a worthlefs thing is the world, and all the glory and delights thatit affords, which will fo turn us off, and leave our bodies in fuch a plight as that. Take notice of the frailties and difeafes of your own flefh, thattell you how fhortly it mutt lie down in the duft. And then compare this world and that tocome, where your abode will be everlafting. Its a flame for a wife man to live as a ftranger to fogreat a change and to look fo much after a world that he is leaving , and fo little after the world that he (hall abide in. Direlt. 8. T will much avail to the Crucifying of the world toyou, that youfind; the improvement of all )oar Affliltions. Do not repine at them , and think them a greater evil then they are ; but believe that they are a fpecial advantage to your fouls, for the mortifying of your inordinate affezilions to the world : and if you have but the wifdotn and hearts to make ufe of them they may do you more good then all the profperity of your lives hash done. If you fall into poverty, or fall under Flanders or reproach frommen ; if your friends prove falle to you ; if th ;fe that you have done good to prove un- thankful ; if the wickednefs and frowardnefs of men do make you even weary of the world ; remember now what an advan- tageyou have for MorWìcation ! When you have experience it fell to difgrace the creature to you and your very flefh Both feem to be convinced. Now fee that youobferve the teachings of this providence, and come cff from the world, when you fee iris fo little worth ; and let as light by it as it cloth by you : Be- think you now that God doth this to lead you to himfelf ; and thank.