t 64, The Crucifying of the world, condition ! How hard to have ferions lively thoughcs of the great things of eternity, and ferious preparations for death and judgement, when we have health, and wealth,and all the accom- modations which our flefh doth delire ! `atan knows this well enough : and therefore he is willing that his fervants (hall have profperity. He knows that it is not the way to get him fervants, to beat them and ufe them hardly but to pleafe them by flatte- ries, and fulfill their lufls,that they may be enticed to imagine his fervice to be the bell: Its the cuftom of harlots to let out them- (elves. to the bell , and to adorn themfelves for the temptingof their lovers ; and not to go in an homely drefs, which no ene will be taken with. No wonder then if Satan the Pandor of the world, do adorn it with the bell cloathes, and prefent it toy ou in the moll enticing garb hecan. If the lip, of tkit harlot did not dropae an honey-comb, andher month Were not /moother thin cyl The could not lead fuck multi! odes toher end , Which is bitter as zvormWood and /harp at a two.edged(Word;herfeet godown to death, herßpi rak,.e holdof hell; left menfhould ponder the path of life, Prov. 5. 3,4,5,6. And it is no wonder that God to fave his peo- ple from this delufion, clothdrefs the world to them in a courfcr attire ; and when he Teeth them in danger ro beenamoured on it as well as others, if he prefent it to them in the rags of poverty, and in the fcabs of its corruption, confufion and deformity , that they may fee the difference between it and their home. Its ftrange to fee how highly profperity is regarded by the moll 1 how earneftly they delire it pray fer ir, or còrrrive it and how much they are troubled when they fall into adverfity when yet theyknow,or fay they know that the love of the world is the bane of the foul, and that it killed] men by deceiving. them.. Can you keep your affections as loofe from theworld when you have hoees and lands-and all things at } our will, as you could if it were otherwife ? Remember I befcech you that the poyfon of the world is covered by its fweetnefs, and that it killeth none but thofe that love it Be fufpitious therefore that there is danger where you find delight : If your date be fuch as is pleating to your flefh,believe it is not likely to be fafe to your fouls. If therefore your health,your wealth, your honours, be filth as your flefh would have them,ifyour houfesyour accomo- dations, your friendsbe fuired to your carnal delires, believe it your fouls are in noatoll hazzard; anti therefore look about _you,