166 __ TheCrucifying of the world, them ; and that he is a better fteward that improved] his Ma- tters flock, then he that rids his hands of it, out of an injurious fear of his Ivlafers aufterity. But yet I muff fay that the other extream is more common and more dangerous. And they that our of excels of fear betook themfelves Co poverty and to wil- derneffes, were in a far better cafe then many that feem now to bezealous profeffors, and yet are looking after the pleafures,and riches, and glory of the world I I have many a,time wondered at forne eminent profeffors , that are as conflant and feraphicall in the outfide ofduty, even to admiration, as almoft any I know, and yet as clofely and butilygrafting at the world , and labour- ing tobe rich, as if they were the wretchedfl woridlings on earth. I have oft wondered how they can quiet their confciences , and how theymake fhift fo conflantly to delude fuch knowing fouls. The Countrey fees them drowned inearth, and the generalityof their godly friends lament them, as meer hypocritical) earth- worms ; and yet becaufe they can carry it on fmoothly, and not be noted for any palpable oppreflion or deceit, they wipe their lips, they biefs themfelves, and with gracious words would cloak their covetoufnefs, as if men didbut uncharitably cenfure them , becaufe they cannot prove them to be fuch Deceivers ; When yet the very bent andcourfeof their lives proclaimeth them woeldlings to almofl all men but themfelves; who by the jufl, but heavy judgement of God, are given over to that blind- nefs,as not to fee that damnable fin in themfelves, that the ene- mies of Religion fee with fcorn, and their moff impartial friends do fee with lamentation : but feeing it, are not able to remedy ; for worldlinefs is the commoneft badge of an Hypocrite ; and where there is a falle heart at the bottom and but an hypocriti- call faith, and an hypocricicall love to God and the life to come, there wall be no effe6tual refifiance of the world;but all exhorta- tions do come upon fo great dif..dvantage with fuch fouls that ufually they are loft, and leave them as they find them. If any covetous fcraping earthworm, whether he be Gentleman, Tradefman,or Husbandman, do feel his confcience at the read- ing of this begin to ftir, I befeech him (if there be any hope of filch hypocrites) to hearken to it in time, and regard a little more thewarnings of his friends and not to be fo ftífflpconfi- dent of his innocency ; nor yet to thinkhimfelf free from hai. house