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ThePreface. or. fenfuality ? You have feen in England the Riches of abundance quickly featured, that were longin gathering ; and Godknows how many loft their fouls, to build that which afew years wars pull'ddown. Andyet when you have but a little breathing time, you are at it again as eagerly 45 ever; as men that knew nogreater good, and are acquaintedwith no better and more gainful an employment. Gentlemen, do you know indeed, what it is that you make fo great a ftir for ? which you value at fo high a rate ? whichyou holdjofa,fl r whichyou enjoy fo fully ' You donot know : I dare fay by your tilingof it that you donot know it. or elfe you would foon-have other thoughts of it, and ufe it in another manner. Come nearer, and fee it through : and look into the infide. Canfult not with blind andpartial fenfe ;bat put on a w:foile thefpellacles offaith : go into the Sanlluary, and fee theend. Nay Rea/on it Pelf may tell you much of it. When you mull part with it, you'l wi[b it hang'd loofe from you, andnot been foglued toyou, as to tear your hearts. Youfeel not what the Devils lime-twigs have done, till you are about to take wing, either by an hea= venly contemplation, or bydeath ; and thenyou`l findyour felves entangled. The )vorld is like to bad Phylitians, rum fucceffus Sol intuetur,errores auteen Tellus operir. The earth bearethyet all the good it d)thyou, but Hell hair hidden fromyou the mifchief that it' bath done t¡¿ millions of your Anceftors : and therefore though this their way was theirfolly,yet do their poflerity approve theirfayings, Pfai. 19. 13. Die ¡nihi, faith Bernard , ubi font am.uores mundi,qui ante pauca temporx nobiicurn.fuerunt r Ni hil ex cjs remanfic, n.fì cineres & vermes. i ctende dili- genter,qui funs & fuerunt, fìcut zu , co ncnederunt & biberunt, riferunt, duxcruot in h Inis dies Coos, &.in punCtoad infernadefcenderunc. H c caro corucnver- rraibus; iilic anima eorum fl umnis de.pucatur , donee (b 3_) rurfes A _