The Preface ru ( i rge`ici collegio colligate i mpi.e pis ignibus in vohantur. Who wouldfo value that which he mug eter- nally complain of, andnot only fay, It bath done me nogood, but agofay ; It bath deceivedme andundone me e 1 would not thank you to makeme the owner of all your Lands and Honours to day , and take it fromme all tomorrow. What the better now areyour Grand lathers , and great Grand- fathers,for lying in chafe houfes and ;offing thole lands, and honours and pleafrires, that you po(Jefs Vnler they ufed themfpiritually, and holily for God, and heaven, and the common good , theyare now in hellfor their fenfu- ality uponearth, and are reaping as they havefown, 6. 728. ) and paying dear for all their pleafures. Their bones anddufl dogiveyou no noticeof any remnants oftheir honours or delights ; andif you faro theirfouls, you would befurtherfatisfied. It may be thereflands agilded Monu- ment , over their rottennefsand daft ; and. it may be they have left an honourable namewith thofethat follow them in their deceit, (and f might the tormented Rich man with his Brethren, Luke 16. who were following him towards that placeof torment.) A jufl judgement of God it is , to togive up men that choofe deceit, to be thus befooled: That theyfhouldnot only defpife thedurable Riches, and choofe a dream of honour, wealth andpleafure here; bat alfo, that their endmay anfiver their beginning , they fliould alfo take .up with 2 pictare ofhonour and feltcitywhen theyare dead That their deceivedpofterity may fee aguildedImage bear- ing an honourable mention of their names, and hear them named with applaufe , and fo may be alluredthee morebold; ly togoafter them. Andfo afhadowofwifdomand vertue, batha fhadow offurvivingHonourfor its Reward ; -which alas , neither foul nor body is the better for. Tom fee that allyour wealthandhonour will notpreferveyour Honourable corpfe from loathfom putrefatlion. How much lefs will kip