a 8 The Crucifying of the world, your out fide that (hews your worth. The Philófophar asks the Quel§ion, Why women are more addifted to look after neat attire thenmen ? and he anfwereth, - Becaufe nature is confcious of their want of inward worth , it leeks to make it up with fomewhat that is borrowed. It may make a man fu- fpeft that fomewhat is amifs within, when thereneeds all this adowithout. They are not alway the bell hones, that have the neateft trappings. A fool may be as bravely dreias a wife man : and few but fools and children do admireyou, or think you ever thebetter, but manyan onewill envy you,and many take you to be the worfe. Agracelefs foul will be but forrily covered with neat attire. A nd whatever you hang without , we all know, that there's dungand filth within. Paull Shop hath comlyer° Ornaments then thefe, i Tim. 2. 9. Let wo- men adorn themfelvesin modeft apparel, with fbamefaf1nefs and fobriety ; not with broidered hair, or gold, or pearls, or coftly array, but which becometh women profeffiñggodlinefs, withgood works ; learning in Rlence withallfubjeftion. ] Glory in the whole rayment of the Saints , even the righteoufnefs of Chrifi, Zell when you go nakedout of the world as you come "naked in, your fouls fhould be found naked before an holy jea- lousGod. 6. Have you health of body, and feel no ficknefs ? Glory not in it.lt will laft youbut a while.Your oyl will be fpent ere long,and your candlewill goout : Youmull know what pains and death are as well as others. A little cold, orheat, or a thoufand accidents may quickly, change the cafe with you. Many that were young and Tully go to their graves, when force that were more likely to have gone before them are left - behind : But firtl or laft we mull all away. Rather glory in a healthfull frame of foul : that Chrifl bath cured you of your worldlinefs and pride, of your fell- feeking, andpafiìon, and flefhly lulls For this will be a more durable health then theother. 7. Have you Nobilityof birth,? are you defcended of wor- fhipfuil or honourable Anceflors ? Glory not in it. We are all made of one common earth. There is as good blood in the "veins of a beggar as of a Lord. This is but a remnant of your