By the Crofs ofChril; v 25-3 for our righteoufnefs ? Ot need I advife you that you tru(t not inyour Love and Evangelical Obedience as a fatisfa&iorí to Gods Juftice, or the matterof that righteoufnefs which muff anfwer the Law ; when that Love and Obedience is no- thingelk, but. a Love to him and an Obedience of him that bath fatisfied for us and is become our righteoufnefs ? Do I need to per fwade the humble fo far as they are humble , not to be proud of their own graces or works ? or the felf.lenying not to glory in themfelves. The nature . of the new creature, and the annointing that is-inyou., doth ef- fe&ually teach you- all thefe things ; and you havealready learned them. Yet becaufe you are fan&ified but in part, you haveRill need of warning ; and therefore I requirevyou , that youobje&ively abufe not thefe Graces.ofChrift ( for a&ive- lyyou cannot ; feeing Grace is that as 4íaftin defineth it, qua nemo man. aritnr.) Should you think you merit by denying merit ? or ihouldyou think you have somewhat toGlory in withGod, becaufe you have denyed your fclves and your own w.orthinefs ? or thould you'truff in thöfe'a&s as the matter of your Iuffification againfi that Law, _whofe nature is to diftruft in all that is your own, and thus totruft inChrift alOne; you would beguilty of the m.oft.facrilegious robbingofChrift,and of an impious ahufe of the . moft precious graces contrary to their nature and ends and of the moft abfurd and fenfléfs . abufe of your veryReafon by palpablecontradi&ion. To conclude I now befeech youall take heed of your Glorying,internally and externally. Let the blinded world- ling glory that he hath theworld»; but do you glory that you 4 need it not , and can be without it, and are heirsof a better world. Letfenfualwretches glory in the pleafingoftheir Beth ;; but do youglory that you areable todeny it its deliires and to pleafe your Lord. Let thedeluded - ambitious ones glory in their honours ; but learn you-to pitty them in the height of:: their profperity, andglory in the'durable prerogatives of the; Saints;. Let natural even glory in their healthandnatural Lrfe> but glory you°in a readinefs to die andbe withChritt', and inr,: the Believingexpeditions of theLife everlafting. Let hypo crites glory in their evadingof fufferings > But doyouglory u