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254 The of the rvarld,'&c. w ---- in tribulations and infirtmties, and that you are accounted worthy to fuller for Chb t(L Let Pharifees glory in their fu_ perilitions, and ceremonies, and feltrighteoufnefs; but glory you in Gofpel fimplicity, and in the righteoufnefs of Chrift Ifa.4S. 24, 2S.,Surely 'hall one fay , In the Lord have I righteoufnefsandflreoo th; even to him/hallmen come, &c. In the Lord/hall all the feed of Ifrael bejuflifledand 'hall glory? ] Ier. 4. 2. The Nationsfhall biefs themfelves in him, and inhim (hall they glory. ] Let the pomp and fulnels of a flattering worldbe the glory of the worldling. But let the defpifedhu- mility and hopes of true Believers,in the loweft ebb ofworld- ly accomodations, beour greäter glory. For God bath chofen thefooliTh things of the world toconfound the wife, and the meal¿, thingsof the world toconfound the things that are mighty ; and haftthings of the world, and things thatare defpifed hath God chofen and things ¡hat aren t to bring to nought things that are ; that no flefh fhould glory in his prefence. But of him areye in Chrifi ?efus, who of Clod is made unto uswifdom, and Righte- oufnéfa, andSanc`li fcation, and Redemption; that according as it is written, Re that Glorieth, let himGlory in the Lord.] a Cor. 1.27, 28, 29, 30, 31. And believe this As Carnali Glorying is childifh againft our own reafon and dailyexperi- çnce, and will fhortlymake all that ufed it afhamed ; lo the fpiritual glorying of the mortified Believer, is alto rational andmanly, and will never make him afhamed , but end in the iterfecc endlefs glory. Fix then your refolutionswith this mor- tifiedApofl;le ; Godforbid that Ifhould Glory,five in the Crop of ourLord Kos Chrifi, by whom the worldis Crucified to me , and /unto the world. FINIS.