The Preface. your end:andjudge ofthere as they help or'himrderyou in the main. Nothing but a trulyheavenlymrnd,ts thefaving cure of an earthly mind, No manwill rightly let go earth, till he have the powerful Light that bath /hewedhim thegreat- er good , and given him a tofleof the world tocome. Had younot been .1/rangers toGodandheaven (in heart, what.. everyou werein tongue andfancy) you could never havef o fallen in leve withearth. None arefo much difpofedto tra. wail into other Countries , as they that arefallen out with their own. Remember that you have not onepenny orpennies worth in the world, but what you hadfromGod, andmuffbe accountable to Godfor; and muf employ with an eye upon his will , aridyour falvation. 1 do not callyou to oaf' away your Riches, but to feethatpump all that everyouhave, as will be molt comfortable to you inyour laflreview. I knero,as Seneca faith, He is a wife man that canmakeufe of earthen veffels, as it theywere all hiver : and he is wife too , that canmake ufe of flyer veffels as if they were but earth. Infirmi eft animi pati non poffe divitias : but its one thing to Bear Riches, and Ufe themfor God, and another thing to Enjoy them with delight. I neither take the .1onaflicks to be the only or the highefl in perfeölion ; nor yet do 1 condemn necéfrtatedretirements. For I knew it . is hard to molt to convtrfe with God in tumults, and to hear the fill voice of his Spirit, in the murmuring voile ofa crowd : I know that the commons are uftally more barren and fruitlefs then inclofures : and that the fruit tree that groweth by the high. way fide , !hall havemanyaflame and' cudgel thrown at it which thofe that are inyour orchard (cape. But !fill look to your end, andfecure the main: Dream not thatyou have anyfull. Propriety : Remember thatyou are Gods Stewards. Set therefore your Maffers nameandnot your ownupon everypenny-worthyou po(fe f : Lei Haline& to the Lord be writteis uponall. Poffefs nothing but what is