The Preface Ubi vincere aperte, Non datur , infidias armaq; t,Eta parat. They that have todo with fuch a cheater in a cafe of fuck everlafling confequence, fhouldbe (u/picious of every thing, and trufl the worldits littleas ispofsible,when,Qui cavet ne decipiatur, vix cavet, cum etiamcavet. Et cum caviffe rates eft, fxpè is cautor captus eft (ut Plant. ) .As Bucholcer was wont to fay whenhisfriends extolled hire, rerreri fe etiam laudationibus illis, ut fulminibus ; So fhould you peiTefs your Honours and Riches in the world. And as thefame Bucholcer faid to Hubner when he went to be a Courtier : Fidem diabolorum tibi commende :. credere & contremifcere : viZ; promifsionibus änlicis credere, fed cauti, fed timidè : SoAmidyou be affetácdto the world : 7rufl and tremble ; or rather Trull it not all :: Nal, have younot been deceived by it already ? And will you be more foolifh then thefilly fi(h, that willfcarcelytake the hook that he was once prickedby ; or then thefillyfowls that will be afraid of the net that once theyhave efcaped from, and of theRite that once bath hadthem in her claws: Tranquillas etiam naufragus hornet aquas. Nay at the pretent, ofyou take any heedof your fouls, you may eafaly perceive what a clog the worldis We are commonlybetter when we have lea/t " of it, or are leavingit, then when we have it at our will. A manmayfee the utrsiofl viable part of the earth, andtheHorizon at once bat if lse look on the earth that is near him,he cannotfee the heavens at that time, much left the Zenith, Our Own Riches our Prefent Riches, our Neareft andDeareft temporal good , is'thegreatefl a- verter of themindfrom heaven. Wearecommonly likeAi- tigonusfick fouldier, that fought well becaufe he lookt to die but grew a Cowardas fools as he was cured. So that mofi