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children to be rieb. it will not -cafe your pains in'hell -to think that youhave left your cb.ldren Richon earth. Itsftw of the great and, noble that are Called. They will have aáá caller way to heaven in a mean e /late. Their Nurfes milk contented them whenfirli they lived in the world : and will nothing but Lands, and Lord(hips, and fuperlative matters now content them ? when they have afhorter time to ufe it 2, Poor men canfing as merily as the Rich,andfleep as quietly, and live as comfortably , and die as eafily Gantabit vacuus They are freefrom abundance ofyour cares and fears. The Philofopher that had received a greatgift of GQIdfrom a Prince, fent it back to him the next morning, andtold him that he lovednofuchgifts as would not let him take bisfleep (for thinking what to dowith it.) Duel`. 7. Laflly, Study the Art ofdoing Good,and making your felves friends of the Mammon of un- righteoufnefs, that when yougohence youmay be re- ceived into the everlaftinghabitations. .Remember how much of your Religion doth confifl in the Devoting of your felves and all to God, andimproving hisflock and being Rich in good works, ready to difiribute andcommunicate , i Tim. 6. 18. And how much will be laid upon this at judgement, Matth, 25. Goddothnot call upon you foryour charity, as if he would be beholden to you, or needed any thing that you cangivehim ; but becaufe he will thus dif- ference his hearty followers from complementing hypo- crites. The poor you (hall have alwayes withyou : and the Church/hall alwayes want your help, arid Chilli will be JIMdiflreffed in his members, to try the reality of mens pro - fefsions, whether they love him above all, or elfe d fJemlife with him, and wheeher they have any thing that they.think toogoodfor him. It is a certain mark of an hypocrite, to haveany thing in this world,fodear to you that you cannot ¡pare it for Chrifi. Remember