The Preface in a way of duty , or pretend not to be charitable. Willyet notforeyour Matters corn, Opts are certainof a plentious increafe .? And do you think that he will take thisfor a good account ? This u thefooli(h excufe that Chrift bath toldyou /hall have a terrible fentence : you willhide Gods talent for fear of tofing it ; but wo to loch unprofitable fer vaut,. Sometime the .170 will tell you that you may want your [elves, or your poflerityat leafl ; and that you were beflga- thertillyour flock arife tofo much orfo much, and thenGod (ball hamfome. t..4fairbargain,! oft like ungodly men by their RepentanceandConverfion ; they willfin till they areold , and then they willturn. But few turn that delay with filch refolutions. 1 f Godhavenot right to all, be bath right to none. If he have right to all , will yougive him nonebut your leavings. A(vinewilllet another eat whenhis belly isfull. What ifyouareneverricher, will youneverdo goodtherefore with whatyouhave ? Andfor the impoverithing of your (elf, if youfearbeing a loferby God, you may keepyour Riches as long as you can, and trybow youcanfaveyourfel f and them. A mans life confifleth not in the abundance that he poffeffeth. Da not imagine that you need more thenyou do. If cítitonafiicks think it their perfeelion to be wilfully poor, and Seneca thought it the Cynicks wifdom, quod effecit nequid fibi eripi poffet ; you may much more rejoyce in fuck an eflate if Godbringyou to it, by or for well- doing. You live in dangerous times : Wars and thieves may loon level/your Oates; Can there be greater wifdom then to -fend it all to heaven , and lay it upwith God ,'' and put itinto the lurefl hands ; andputit to theonly ufury ? Aut ego fallar, alt regnum eft:, inter avaros , circumfcriptores, latrones, plagiarios, ununi effe, cui noceri non poffit. Cannota man live thinkyouwithout` wealth and honour. Siquis de talium: