The Preface. like to be Philofophers : Se I may fayof many that would be content that you feed the common poor with bread , but the Difciples of Chrift with floues. 'Vey think theymay be poor themfelves, but they are never like to be ChriftsDifciples: May fame of them (loch .ts Clem.. writes in his mock-fides divina) will perfwadeyou that its a ottlib thing to conceive that anyhave Chrifts Spirit now that worknot Miracles, and that he bathno Church, Mini- flryor Saints, that is, that Chriflianity is not the right Reli- gion, unlefi it hadprefent miracles to warrant it. And then you might beexcufed ratherfor your uncharitablenefs to it , then for your Charity. But wilder') is juflifled of all her children : And the mouths of her enemies will be quickly flopt:and they /hall thenknow that Chriftis Lordand fudge, without either faith or furtherMiracles. 3. Whenyou have two Goodworks beforeyou, prefer the Greater, and choofe not the lets, &, Cæteris Paribus,let Works ofSpiritual andeverlaft- tug concernment,beprefer'd,to tholethat aremeerly temporal. 5. , And let Works for the PublickGood , of Church or Common-wealth, bepreferredbefore privateWorks. 6 Let God have 411 in one wayor other : even that whichyour. (elves andfamilies receive: Take itbut as your daily bread tofupportyou in by fervice. Do not limit God or tie him to anypart. Take heed of Referving any thing from him, or of halvingwith him, a Ananias andSaphi- ca. fie deferveth andhe expeelethall. That whichhe bath not yots have not , but Satan bath it. Ton lofe it, if you returnit not to him. Andnow in the Concïufion, I [halllprefumc ( though 1 fore- fee 1 may incurr a cenfureforit) to give you a Catalogueof fameoftholegood works which are (eafonablein ourclaies, by whichyou may make your reckoning comfortable. Anddo not 1hlnkthat .God is beholden to youforit, ifyou perform them all.