The Preface. all : but take it as thehappyefi bargain that you can make and thankfully take the opportunity while it is offeredyou remembering that there is no fuch fecurity nor advantage, to bemadeof your money, in any way asfor God and that it is more bleffed toGive then to Receive : Say not another day but thatyou hadaprice in your hands ifyou have not an mart, youmuff fuffer with theunfaithful. 4 Catalogueof feafonable Good Works prefented to them that are fanc`lified to Gods and dare trufl him with their liches,expeEiing the erverlafliug rRiches which he bathpromifed, and are zealous of Good Works and take itfor aprecious Mercy that they maybe exerciled therein. a, Nquire what perfons, burdened with children, or ficknefs,or on any Inch occafion labour under neceflities, and relieve them, as you are able , and find them fit. And Rill make advantage of it for the benefit oftheir fouls, infrruding, admonithing and exhorting them, as they have need. If you give them any annual gift of cloathes,bread or money, en- gage them to learnform Catechifm withall,and to go to theMinifter and give him an account of it. Some I know that fet up a monethly Ledture to be fitted to the poor, and give fixpence or twelve pence to a cer- tain Number of poor that hear it. z. As far as.Lawwill enable you; bind all your Tenants in their Leafes to learn a Cat echifm, and read the Scripture, and be once a year at leaft accountableto the Minifter,`of their Profiting. If you cannot do (f 3) ; this,