The Preface this, at leaft, ufe yourintereft in every Tenant you have todo it,and to feek God and worfhip him in their families (in which let your own families be eminent- lyexempl,ry.) Ttis very much that Landlords might do for God if they had hearts. Difcountenance the ungodly : Encourage the good : Give them back fome little, when they pay their Rent, to hire them to forceduty. And think not toomuch togo to their houles for fuch ends. 3. Buy fame plain and rowzing Books, that tend to Converfion and are fitteft for their Condition, and give them to the families that molt need them , get- ting them to promife you to read them twice over, ,at leaft, and then togive their Teachers an account -of the effe&, and receiveInftructions from them for their further profit. Many have this way received much good. Or you may buy the Books ; and truft the Minfters to diftribute them,and engage the recei- vers to read them, or tohear them read. r}. Take the children of the poor, and fet them Ap- prentices to force honeft trade,and be fure you choofe them Godly Mailers that -may take care of their fouls as well as of their bodies : Or if you are able, fettle a perpetual allowance for this ufe entrufting the Minifter with the choice of a Godly Matter for them, and whom you fee meet with the choiceof the boies.. 5. In very great Congreg. tions that have but one Mi- nifter, nor are able and willing to maintain another, it is a very gooi work to fettle forme maintenance for an Afsiftant,, without whom the flock mutt needsbe much negle6ted : Impropriations may be bought in to that ufe. 6. To fettle Schools in the more rude parts of the Countrey,