Baxter - BV4253 B39 C78 1658

The Preface. Countrey, where they ufe not to teach their children to read, or in Market Towns where people are nu- merous, is a very good work. 7.. It is one of the beft works I know within the reach of a mean mans purfe, to maintain Scholars (in Sizers places ) at about io.1. per annum charge , till they are capable either of the Minftry , or of fome other Ration inorder toit, where they can maintain themfelves. As alto tomaintain fome of the choice- eft parts for fome fpecial ftudies. There is an Intent of fome to propound this work in a method fit for the whole Nation to concur in.. Till that be done , any Rich man that is will ng to do Good, may en- trait fome able Godly Minifters with the choice of the fitteRyouths ( which is the greaten matter ) and may allow them neceffarymaintenance. How many fouls may be Paved by the Miniftry of one of thefe And howcan money be better husbanded :' 8. It will be avery Good work altoconjundly to en- courage Manufadtures or other trades, and Piety too, if in Cities and Corporations , fome yearly rents be given on thefe terms : That feveral of the honefteft tradefinen, may have 5.1. or to. 1. a piece yearly of this Rent, lent them freely for four or five years to trade with, putting in fecurity to repay it : And fo the Rock will encreafe, and more Land may be bought by it after certain years, to go on to the fame ufe : ( only let the TruRees.have power to remit all or part where there is anextraordinary unexpeu`ted failing.) And that the fitteR menmay Rill receive it , fome godly Truftees may be chofen,who may choofe their fucceffors the Minifter being one , as likeft to choofe the fitteR fubjeds of this beneficence. If Honeft men- be kept up, _ they will better re- lieve