? ;6 '47116N5 Sopbroniws Bifhop of ;eru alern (Prat. fpir..c. i95. referente Baronio ad an. 41 r. ) delivereth this Hif}ory following to pofterity as a molt certain thing : HAY Leontius Apamienfis a mofl faithful Reli- rr Matra man that hadlivedmany years at Cyrene af- fured them, that Syne(ïus ( who of a Philofopher became a Bifhep ) found at Cyrene one Evagrins a Philo- fopher, who hadbeenhis old acquaintance, fellow fludent and . intimate friend, but an ob fmate Heathen : and Synefius- was earneft with lira to become a Chriflian, but all in vain Yet didheAllfollowhim with thofe Arguments that might fatisfie himof the Chriflian verity ; andat lafl the Philofo- pher told him, that tohim it teemed but a meerfableand de- ceit that the Chriflian Religion teacheth men that this world /hall halie an end, and that all men ¡hall rifeagain in thefe bodies, andtheir f elh be made immortal and incorru- ptible , and that they fhall fo livefor ever, and receive the Reward of all that they bave done in the body, and thathe that hath pitty on thepoor, lendeth to the Lord , and he that gives to thepoor andneedy ,/hall have Treafiures in heaven; and /hall receive an hundeed-foldfromChrifl, together with' eternal life. Thefe things he derided. Syneuius by many arguments affured him that all thefe things were certainly true : and at laß the Philofopher andhis children were Ba . ptiz,ed. Awhile after he comes to Synefius,andbrings him (g 2 ) three