The Contents. The creatures Aptitude to tempt us is inseparable, p. 22 Wherein the worlds Crucifixion confifleth as to our ac`ís ? We muff safe the world as it tiled Chriff, Sçct. 4. P. 24 More particularly, 1. To efleem the worldas an enemy tó God and us, Sect. 5: p.3I How this enmitymay be apprehended, P. 32 I. Adeep habituate apprehenlsnofits worthlefnefs andinfuficiency, p33 3. A kind of Annihilationof it to ourfelves, p. 3.5 How we muff be Crucified to it.' The difference between this and Natural Death, Sect. 6. p. 36 I. Our undue Efirnationof theworld mull be Crucified , p. 37 2. Andaesrinordinate cogitations. 3. And affetlions,p.3 9. 1.Our Love. 2. Defire. 3. Expetlations.`4.Our Delight, p. 43. So in the Irafcible, I. Difplacency and hatred, &c. p. 43 4. Our inordinate Seeking and Labour, P. 47 Divers Objeftions andeflionsanfwered, Sect. 7. p. 48 How the Crofof Chrifl loth Crucifie the world. AndF. How it is done by theCrofs asfuf feredby Chrilf, Sect. 8. P-50 2. How by thefame Croft believedin and confdered, p. 54 3. How by the Croft whichwePifer in Obedience and Conformity to Chrifi, p- 57 The point proved byexperience,Sect. 9. P. 5$ Reafono of the ahfolute neceftyof being Crucified to the world, and it to us. 1. From Gods interefi, which it contradieleth,Seet. to. p. 60 2. FromOur owninterefl, Sect. I T. p.64 TheLlies, I. To inform us , i. That it is the life of the Crofs of Chrili to Crucifie the world , Proved. p. 68. Howbisdoi rive dotb it, p 72. Andhis works, P. 73 2. Wherever the Graff of Chrifi is effectual , the world is Crud- fled, Sect. 13. P 74 Ufe 2. What it is to be a Ckriflian indeed, and what adillancefuck areae from the world, Sect. 14. P. 77 Tryalwhether we are dead to the world. Eight fgns by which we may know whether the world or God be our End, Sect. 15. p 8o,8í clmfer Applicationfor Convic`lfian of worldly hypocrites, Sect. i6. p. 8&.. 'Further