By the Crofs of Ghri. they ed . themfelves Chunches to be of the fame mind,and totáa the haVe urfe that fo they might not be noted for carnall famecóurfeasthe ; r and cowardly profeffors themfelves, while they brought others to believe the jnftnefs of their way ; but rather might have matter .of glorying in their followers,inilead_ of being either fufferers with the true Chriftians, or rejeaed by them whole profeflfon they had undertaken. Thefe were the perfons that Taal had here to deal with., againi whom having oppofed many arguments through the Fpiflle, in the words of my Text he oppofeth his ownRefolution, [God forbid that f fhould glory &c. --- The words contain `fault renouncing the carnal difpofition and prat ife of the falle Apoflles and his profeffe'd Refolution of the contrary. Where you have, i. The terms of Deteftation and Renunciation [ God forbid] or , [ be it far from me. a. The thing Detefted and Renounced , viz. To glory in any thing fave the Crofs of Chrif4. His own pofitive profieffion containeth, i. His Refolution to Glory in the Crofs of Chrift. 2. The effe &s of the Crofs of Chrift upon his foul ; whichbeing cónttary to the difpoition, and doctrine, andendeavour of the falle Teachers, is added as a Reafonof his abhorring their waies, and as the ground and principle of his contrary courfe. [Here, by the WorldWas crucified to him, and he to the World.] The difficulties in the words beingnot great, 14hall take leave to be the briefer in their explication. The verb kgroriU x.i fignifieth not only external) boafting, but firh inPe' Hall confidence ac- cqu'efcence. By [ the Cro;, of oar Lord 7efese Chrifi ] we are to underhand both his Crofs as f +. f erect by hino, and 'as conJidered by u{, and as imitated by eta., or the Crofs we futer in conformity to him : For t fee no reafon to take it in a more reftrained fenfe. By [theWorld1 is meant the whole infer ion: Creation , or all that is objeaed to our fen,fe, or is the bait or provifion for the flea, , or by the tempter is put in competition with God : both the things and the menof the world. r . That To have [ the woi- ldcrucified to him] cloth fignihe , it is killed and fo difabled from doing him any deadly harm , or frombeingable to (teal away his affec ions , as it doth they that