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By the Croft ofChrifl. ufe them as his Stewards', fo you muft do it ; and not think it a good account of your Stewardfhip to tell God that you threw away the talents that he trufled you with becaufe they were temptations to you, or becaufe he was auftere. I fhould have no great need tofpeak of this, were there not fuch a multitude of deluded_fouls that have lately received the Popifh dorages here- in. Its one thing to creep into a Monks Cell , or an Anchorets Cave , or an HermitsWildernefs, or MagmaTub ; and ano- ther thing truly to be Crucified to the world ; and in the midit of the creatures to live above them unto God ; as we are anon to flew. 5. To beCrucified to the world , is not to forbear our lawful! trades and labours in the world. He that bids us eat our bread in the fweat of our brows and would not have him eat, that will not labour, Gen. 3. 19. 2 Thef. 3. 6, r o, i z. did never call men to be begging Pryers, nor licentious Prodigals, nor idle Gentlemen, nor lazy unprofitable burdensof the earth. All idle- nefs that's wilful!, is finful ; but that which is cloaked with the pretence of Religion is a double fin. When fame fervants grow lazy, they will pretend piety for it and accufe their Mailers of worldlinefs for letting them to work. And Tome that have fami- I es will neglet their duty for them, and all upon pretences of a contempt of the world. But he that bid us ure the n'orld as not abufing it, i Cor. 7. 31. did never mean to forbid us the ufe of ir. While fuch Hypocriteswill needs be more then (. brilliants they become in Paula judgement worfe then Infidels, t Tim.5.8. They ihould not labour with a delire to be rich yet -muff they labour togive tobino that needetb, Bp:). 4. 28. Idlenefs is not Mortification. 6. Tobe crucified to the world or the world tous, contained] not an unthankful! undervaluing of our Mercies. It will not warrant us to fay Health, andRiches, and Honours are con- temptible ; and thereforeI owe God but little thanks for them ; nor will itexcufe any ingratefuli infenfibility of our deliver- ances. 7. To Crucifie the world, is not to take away the lives Of the men of the world, nor a&ually to ufe them as they ufed Chrift. Though the Magifirate muft bring a falfe Prophet toCapital Pu- nifhtnent that fought to turn the People fromGod,yetevery one C might