io The Crucifying of the world, might not do fo : nor is thatany part of the fenfe of thisText norwas it thus that Paul did crucifie theworld. 8. Much lefs may it encourage any poor Melancholly tempted fouls tobe weary of their lives, and to leek to make away them- felves. This horrid fin is far from the duty here required : To be crucified ro the world, is not to rid our felves out of the world nor todo that to our felves, which were fo hainous a fin, if wedid it to another, as not here to be lightlyer punithed then withdeath. And. thus I have (hewed you Negatively, What it is, not to havethe world crucified to us ; i icfï i o both to prevent ex.. Creams, and to prevent your unjuft cenfùrs-of the Do&rine which t mutt next deliver that you may fee that I am not leading you into extreams, but infifting ona plain and needfull. truth. SECT. III. Am. next Affirmativelyto thew what this Crucifixion is. And firtI of the former branch : what it is to have the world to be Crucified to Wherewe [hall fpeakof theobJdt, and thenof the .acts. Qu. z. In What refpetis is it that the World mull be Crucified taus.? Anfw. In general. i . In thofe refpeets in which men fell to the world fromGod. The ffate of mans Apoftacy is an adhefion to the creature,and a departnre from trod ; and the Rate of his recoverymuff be adeparting from the creature, and an adhering unto God. 2. In thofe refpeets in which Chrift himfelf bathop-. poled andovercometheworld , in thofe muff,his peopleoppofe and overcome it. More particularly ; though it be but one and the fame thing which they all import, yet I think it may the better infnuate in- to your underftandings , if I prefent it to you in thefe various notions. ., eAs the creature wouldbe mans felicity , or any part of his true felicity, fo is it to be hated, refilled and crucified. If the world would know its own place, it might be efteemed and tifed in ad