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g4 The Crucifying of f the world, catisus down when we want it ; and thus difpofeth of our affe- äions and endeavours , its time to lay fuch an Idol in the duff , and to cart out fuch a Traylor with the greateft deteflation. As we our felves thall be exalted if we humble our felves, and brought low if weexalt our felves ; fo mull we cat down the worldwhen it would exalt it Pelf in our efteem, and the right ex- altation of it is by the Iowett fubjeding of it unto Cod. For whoever bath to deal with Infinite Power, muff thinkofnoother way of exaltation. 3, The world muff be abhorred, and crucified by us, as it flandeth at enmity to Godand hit holy wales. It is become,through mans corruption, thegreat feducer, and an impediment to our entertainment of heavenly Doctrine and a means of keeping the foul fromGod. Yea it is become the Intereft of the fleth., and is let in fulled oppofition to our fpiritual Intereft. In what degree foever the world would turn your hearts fromGod, or "flop your ears againft his word or take you off from the duty which heprefcribeth you, in that meafure mull you leek to cruci- fie it to your felves. If Father orMother would draw us away from Chrift, though as parents they mutt be honoured fill , yet as enemies to Chrift they muff be contemned. When ybur ho- nours would hinder you fromhonouring God , and your credit doth contend againft your confcience, andyour worldly bufinefs contradiâeth your heavenly bufinefs andyour gain is pleaded againft your obedience ; it is time then to ufe the world as an enemy, and to vilifie thofe honours; and bufineffes, and commo- dities, A tender confcience that is acquainted with a courfe of univerfall obedience, will take notice when thofe worldly ireer- pofitions and avocations would interrupt his courfe ; and a foul acquainted with an holy dependance upon God and Communi- on, can feel when thofe enticing and deluding things would in- terrupthis Communion, and turn his eye from the face of God : and therefore he can feel by the advantageof his holy experi- ence,. whentheworld becomes his enemy, and calleth him to the confliil. 4. The world is to be crucified, as it is the matter of our f eJh- pieapg , or the food of our carnal afedions, and the fuel of our concupifcence. The grand Idol that is exalted again.ft the Lord, is Carnal Self : This is the Godof all the unregenerate : This