By the Croft of Chrif. . This bath their hearts, their care, their labours. The pleating of this fltfh is the end of the unfandified , and therefore the fum- mary capital fin, which virtuallycon taineth all the ref( ; Even as the Pleating of God is the End of every Saint, and therefore the fummary capital duty which virtually containeth all other duties : The world is an Idolfublerv!ient to the flefh , as being the matter ofitsdelight; and the means by which its End is at- tained ; as in the contrary flare, the Mediator is fubiervient to the Father as being the matter of his delight, in whomhe is well-pleafed,'and the means by whom he obtainethhis Ends in making his people alto well -pleating in his eyes. The Devil alto is an Idol of the ungodly; but that is in a fuberviency to the world and to the flab, as by the bait of worldly things he pleaf, eth the Beth as in thecontrary (fate the Holy Ghoft is in office fubordinate to the Son and to the Father , in that hebringeth us to Chrifl , by whomwe muff have accefs to the Father. In the Carnal Trinity then you may fee,that as the flefh is the Principali and Ultimate End , and hath the firf} place, fo the world is the neareft meansto that End , and bath the fecond place and as there is no coming to the Father or Pleating him but by the Son, fo is there no way of Pleating the flefh butby the world. So that by this you may perceive inwhat relation we Rand to the fenfual [educing world, and on what grounds, and how far it is neceffary that we crucifie it : The fixed determination of our Soveraign is, that if we live after theflet? weAill die , but if by the Spirit We snartife the deeds of thebody, roeJhalllive., Rom. 8. i 3. To live after the flefh , is ,by loving the world, anden- joying it as our felicity ; and to mortifie thedeeds of it by the Spirit, is by withdrawing this fuel and food that doth maintain them, and by crucifying and killing the world as to fuch ends. Our work is topat on the Lord fefus Chri/ , and snakeno provifi- onfor the flefh tofrelftll the luis thereof, Rom. i 3. 14. It is the world that is this provifion for the fulfilling of our flefhly lulls. So far therefore as the flefhmutt he mortified the world alto mull be mortified. 5. Moreover the worldmull be Crucified tous, as far as it is prefented to us as an ináepend.nt or fepartted c7 tad , without its due relations unto God. It is God only who is the 'Abfolute , Neceffary,Independant Being ; and all creatures are but fecon- dary,