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s'* 148 have done mof(and at thedearefl rates)tofablifh it, and to prevent its fall. In all this I meddle not with my Civil Supe- riours , as thinking it meeter patiently to bear, than to aggravate their cenfures , though not all fo tolerable as private mens. I might give you as many inflances ofthe mat ters of common Converfe : He that hath much to- do in the world , shall hardly efcape the cenfure ofmany. The buyer will fay he fells too dear The feller will fay, he would buy toocheap. E- very one that expeeteth a commodity , will cena fore him that hindereth it, and íleps in before him. If I have a friendor kinfman unworthy of a ny office or preferment, he is nevertheless pe- remptory in h's defires and expe&ations, for be- ingunworthy. If I will not fpeak for him and further his fuit, I am cenfured as unnatural and unkind, and turn a friend into an eremy : If I do fpeak for him, I am falfe to my confcience and the common good; and I mu(l look to be cen- lured accordingly by many. But I will add ro more inflames, left what I intend for inftruaion,feem to bebut a complaint. But to what purpofe is alldthis ? It is to let the Reader know that man is not God, nor his judgement to be relied in, nor his favour to be over-valued. To call to you , O ceafe from man, whofe breath is in his noílrils ; whofe heart is deceitful and defperately wicked 1 For wherein is he to be accounted of ! Look up toGod, and take him for your Cad indeed Refl in his Love, and be fatisfied in his approbation: Defpl¡.