I;o And what if I fhould look further, tohiftori cal fame when I am dead ! Away with the over- valuing of that too , as part of the hypocrites re- ward ! I confefs God ufually bleffeth the memo- ryof the juft,and fets their names above the pow- er ofthe greateft tyrants, and caufeth the names of thewicked to ror : this is but a temporal and uncertain thing. if one write in my praife to the higheft , and another write a Volume of falfe reproaches, how íha11 pofterity know which is true, who knew neither party nor the caufe But yet the nearer reafon of all this admoniti- on is, to let you know that as contention comes by pride, fo over-valuing the effeem and cen- fares of men ( though Good or Great) is a dreadful fnare, and caufe of fchifines : For then you will be firetching your confciences, and ufing your wits to pleafe the party whofe cenfures you muff efcape : Andyou will wound the truth, and be warping to their errours andextreams : And though by this you may think , that force prefent necetfity may be fatisfied, and force inconvenien- cies avdided, yet at the long running, the wound will be found to be increaferd; and the cure the harder becaufe of the delay. Converfe with all men as thofe that muff be finally judged by God 2nd remember that the Judg is at the door. D.äREC ko