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choofe not to conveyfe with Cenfurrrs. DIRLCT. XXVIa. Ul fe not your felves needle/ly to the familiar company of that fort of Chrigians, who life to reproachand cenrure them, that are more fober, Catholick and charitable than them- felves : Unlefs you alfa be is much or more with thefobererfort, whowill 'hew you the fin and Inifchiefs of uncharitablene fs cenforioufnefs, anddivifions. NOthing is more experienced, than the power which the convene ofchofen fxmiliaxs hath upon the minds of the injudicious and unfetied. Which maketh education and the converfe of our youth , to have fo great a hand in cnoD(in mens opinions and Religions And is the caute that Religion is as Languages are, diverfified by the territories or bounds of Countries. They that are bred among fach as ute to fpeak of diffenters, as odious, as hypocrites, as hereticks, as fchifmaticks, as ungodly, as proud fanaticks, are very like to be pofleffed themfelves with the fame fpirit of malice and detra&ion. Tne words of thofe whom you refpe&, efpecially when you hear them not confuted , will make you believe that it is fo indeed , and that the perfons are as mad or as odious as they make them. And thus, the Papills thinkodioufly of the Proteflants, anal the Lutheransof the Calvinifis ; and the Armi. mans and Anti-Arminiens , the Piocefans and N 4 the