Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

I S 2 Converfe not with the cenforio, . thePresbyterians, the Pavdobaptifts and Anaba- tils of one another s becaufe theyconverte on- Iywith fach as paint their in an odious fhape. And thus if you ufe only or chiefly to converte with the cenforiotu Separntifits, you (hall hear fo many invectives againff them that are trulyCatho- lick, and fober, as will make you think that Love and. Peace and CatholickÇommuiiion, are force sinful and mifchievous things. Sometimes they will deride them as ridiculous; and fo iaetirnes they will call them temporize,, ;, toemaliers, or luke-;warm hypocrites, who d,ìll do any thing in compliance with their own cornmod' ies, f:ner for thefloingof their. fieih. And krmetimes thy will thunder out fore terrible threclmings againfl them and their way, as heinoufy fnf 1. And this language will form the belief and atiè&ions of ig- norant Chriftians, into its own uncharitable. mold ; as a neceffary part of Chriflian zeal. As it was the common way of the fuccefs of the iaa- kers, to come into Chriflian affemblies, and in a prophetical Efrain, like men commillioned from "heaven, in the name of the mofi high God to de, pounce his judgements awainft the faithfulieft Paffors and their flocks,and pronounce them con- demnedenemies of the light ; and fo by thevery terreur of their words, they frightenedmanywo= menand boys into their fe&, before they under- floodat all what it was that they were againfi or for : fo do the Separatif}s declaim againfl the fin- fulnefs of Pariah affemblies and communion, and offorms ofprayer and . fuch like, till they have frightened the ignorant into their milaken zeal There.; ._ _ ®