The Churches cure. J53 Therefore, though I am not perfwading you to feparate from thefe feaverifh perfons, as they. do from others, yet I would advife all the youn- ger and unfetled fort , that love themfelves, not needleíty to choöfe the familiar frequent compa- nyof filth : Our private company is at our own choice. And as the company of fierce felf-conceited dividers, is fo verydangerous,fo on the contrary, the company of grave, experienced, fober, cha- ritable and judicious Divines and other Chrifti- ans, is exceeding helpful to fettle the minds of the younger and weaker fort : with them they shall hear the unity of the Church , and the do- 6rineof Chrifitian Love and Concord, humility, meeknefs and moderation opened; and the finful- nefs and lamentable confequents, offchifm, felf conceitednefs, cenforioufnefs and difcord; which among others they (lhouldnever hear. And let me leave this warning to the Churchof God, that if ever it may be hoped that unity, Love andpeacefLall be recovered , it mil be by the training up of the younger Chriftians, vender the precepts and examples of fifth grave, jadiciou , experienced and peaceableguides, .inflead of educating them in the fmoa ky fchorching chimney, of young unexperienced , felf-conceited teachers, who burn with the ambition of applaufe. And let the faber be-think themwhe- ther our times and teachers are better and purer than theirs , to whom Paul faid) Att. 20. 30. Ofyour own (elves(hall men arife , fpeakingperverfe things, to draw awaydifciples after them. And Eph. 4.14. He gave theChurch Pal}ors and 7 earliers, for its Unity andperfeCtion [That are henceforth le re