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I 54 Anfwers ofprayers mifiaken. no more children, toffe'd to and fro, and carried about Iirh every wind of doeirine,, by the flcight of men and crnning crftinefs , whereby they lye in wait to de. ceive. ] DIRECT. XXVII. 74e heed of mif-judging of the Anfwers of yorcr prayers, and of taking thofe things to be from God , which are but the dais feais of your prejudice pafsien or weaknefs of un- derhanding I-II-fig is a fin, which I know not whether I may 1. fay is more common with many godly perfon$ 9 or more injtsrion toGod,or more pittÉ ul as to them- fe1ves. It is fo common, that it is hard to meet with many women and paifionate Chriflians, who are earnefl- in prayer , but fometimes they run into this miftake , and judge nngroundedly ofthe an- fryer of their prayers, by fuch feelings and ftrong apprehenfions of their own , as never came from the fpirit ofGod ac all. And it is a great ztrong to God, to be made the author of mans infirmities and errours, and of that which is contrary to his word. And yet it is a very pitiful cafe as to the offen- ders; becaufe it is ufually the fin of perfons that are very upright and honeft in the main, and teat are very ferious in their prayers to God ; and of fuch as have naturally fuch vweaknefs of reafon and ftrength