AnAivers of prayers miftaken. I 5 ftrength of affe ion , as that they are lefs blame- able, though lefs curable than others are. To underhand this matter the better, I pray you confider, that Prayer is not to change Gods mind ; but to make us the meet receivers of bis mercies And this it doth by exciting and exer- citing thofe apprehenfions anddelires, which make us fit by valuing them to improve them. There- fore filch principles, difpofitions and defiers as are in us, Prayer doth excite and exercife : And every manprayeth according to his own judge- menr, difpofition and affeCtion. And that appre- henfion and affe&ion, which is moll furred up and exercifed, is mofi felt. And that which is molt felt, doth moh take usup, and is moft ob- ferved : And fo we think that it is the impulfe of Gods fpirit , and the anfwer of our prayers , when it is but the operationof our own fpirits, and the fenfible aCtivity of cur former princi- pleg. There are very few that take their impulfes and refolutions, for the fpirits anfwer of their prayers, but they had before an underfianding moll inclined to that opinion , or elfe a byas up- on their affedfions , bending them that way ; or fomething in themfelves which occafioned the fcales to turn that way. Obj. But 1 did bring mymind to a pure inspartia- lity, and prajed to god that he would fheo me the truth, be it what it would be and that if this were not right, hewould blaf it and neverPifer it to goon And the more 1 prayed, the more I waaconfirmed, that this is the right. teinfa. All this may be, without any of Gods