S 6 Father not mi f#ake.r on god. approbation of the conclufion which you think is his anfwer toyour prayers. For whileft you pray ed that God Would turn your mind from it , if it swere not right; yet at that time your judgement was inclined to it or your affetions at leaft And it is an eater thing to fpeak impartial words in prayer than to get an impartial unpreju- diced mind. And when you think that your mind is brought to an impartiality, alas, there may be many deep roots of prejudice which you obferve not : And there is fcarce one of a thoufand who thinketh that he prayeth with a pure impartiality, but his opinion, difpofition, inclination, interelt, or fecrecafleaion, doth bvas and ponderate his mind, more to one -fide than to the other. But if youwere never fo willing to know the truth, yet there are pallions in you, and corru- ptions, and ignorance and former errou. s, which may all do much to hinder you from knowing it, and may breed many falle apprehenfions in your m ind ; and yet may cherifh them with as dear an efpoufal and afteaion, as if they were certainly fromGod. And moreover, you have been gilty of former fins: And whether God for any of them , may leave you to run into miflakes, you know not. ',-)r whether any prefent felf- conceitednefs may occatr. lion him to leave you to miflakes. But the principal part of my anfwer is this God bath no where promifed to reveal all his truth toyou , becaufe you delire him fo todo. It is not every prayer of yours, which he bath pro- mifed to hear andgrant; but only thole which are agreeable to;his will : His will is either his De- creel