Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

aN. No %."fnfwer ofprayers. I 57 cree, his Command , or his Promife. Though the firft be not it that is meant in the text, yet it is certain that your prayers cannot change Gods de- crees. Thewill of his command dothmore con- cern the fenfe of the text ; but it is only a nega- tive which may hence be gathered ; that is, that if your prayers be contrary to Gods com- mands, they are your fins and haveno promife of his grant. But it will not follow that God will grant all the prayers which are put up in obedi- ence to his laws : But only that you (hall be no. loofers by fuch obedience ; but he will rive you that, or fomething which íhall be as good for you. It may be Gods command that godly children should pray for the lives of their fick parents; and that parents pray for the converfion of their ungodly children, and that we pray for all men And yet it doth not follow that we (hall have the very thing which we obediently pray for. But it is his Promifingwill which is the meafure of our hope, as his Commanding will is the rule of our o. ledience. Whatfoever he bath promifed, he will certainly give us. Now God hath no where pro. mifed in his word, that he will reveal the true meaning of every text of fcripture, to every god- lyperfon that asketh it. Praying i4 but one of the means whichGod bath appointed you to come to knowledge. Diligent reading, hearing, andme- ditation , and counfel of the wifeft is another means. Even to dig for it as for flyer , and to fearch for it , as for hidden treafure , and to continue fodoing, and wait at the ports of wif- dams doors, that knowledgemay come into you by degrees in time. God hath not promifed you true tar