Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

Try the fuppofèd anfivers. 159 others which God will not give yo':1. Otherwife all the relations of every true Chriftian fhould be faved,yea and all his enemies and all thewtorld. To apply all this , It may be you are in doubt whether this or the other be the meaning of fuel' a text offcripture ? Or whether you íhotid joys with fach a Church, in the ufe of fuch preachin and prayersor not ? And when you have prayed carneffly, you are confirmed for one way and a gainfl the other. And perhaps all this is but. to be confirmed in your errour a For firft, you came with a fecret prejudice ; fecondly, or you came, with diftempered affections; or with fuch a fear of going one way rather than the other, that the very fear doth much to caufe yóur.apprehenfions. Thirdly , or you come with the gnilt of former fin. Fonrthly,or you have foie partiality on your [pirit , and a fecret inclination to one fide more than to the other ; or forne overvaluing of your own underítandings ; perfons or -prayers. Fifthly, Or you are lazy and prefumptuous and think Godmuff teach you that in one hour, and at with or pryer , which others better than you mutt lean, with prayer ai=d='twe ty years ítudy, diligence and patience. Sixthly. , or you :thin -God Muff needs refolve you of t^At whichhe new ver promifed to refolve you in. Where bath be prornifed upon all your prayers, that ever he W! 1. teach you in this life the fenfe of every tex; wficriptmre ? If ever he prom red this he will per- form ¡t. And is it-to One, or to ern" r; .ayin9 Chriian that he huh pro; ifed itt If to every ore, why are we not 41 of a grind r Why: bye not all as wife ¢> you ? What reed we Cent-