Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

,16o ofbelieving thewe 'hall receive. mentaries then? Or what need have others of your Revelations : If it be but to fume, who be thoreforne ? And how shall we know them ? And how know you that you are one of them ? And why do not thofefome, condefcend to write an in- fallible Commentary upon all the Bible, when they themfelves are taught it ofGod, that fo we may doubt and differ no more ? But ifyou fay that it is not the meaningof every text that. God bath promifed to make known to you when you pray , but of force few, how will you know which thofe few be ? And where is the promife which maketh this difference ? Except only that to all true Chciflians , he bath promi- fed to reveal fomuch as is neceifary to their fal- vation. But if you will pray for more, your bel lief of your fuccefs mull not go beyond the pro- mife. If you will promife to your (elves, you mull perform for your felves ? Obj. But hath not God bid aN believe that we(hall receive what ever ge as,., and promifed to believer.; that theyfhali receive it ?? Alfa, He hash firíl made a Law to command you payer, and then made a pronre to grant, what you pray for, according to his gill, that is, according to his command and promife , and bath made your believing of this promife, one of the con- ditionsof his fulfilling it to you. So that if you believe not his power and promife you (hall not have right immediately to the thing promifed. But if you pray and believe and withall ufe thofe other means with diligence and patience which God bath appointed you, you fhall know in that iraf. rn 45 is .suitable fo your Race (For Godpath not