Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

Hero to judge of FrAyers. 16 L not promifed the fame meafare Of knornledg to all true believers. ) So that this is all that the pro. mife gíveth you , and not that you fhall knot all that you pray to know, and that immediate- ly. Obj 'But then you leave its at utter uncertain- ty , whether we have the anycr of our prayers or not? 6/Infix. Not fo. But the anfwer of your pray. °ers mull: not be tried byyour conceits but by Gods rule. Ifyou pay for that which you have nei-. ther a command n'z promufe for , your prayer is fin, and your anf,ver can be nothing but Godsre- buke, or your own delufion. But if you pray for that which you have a command for, but no particular prornife, then you have only the General prornife that your prayer (hail not beloft,but fhall bring downeither the thing you pray for,or fome- thing elfe which the wifdome of God feeth to be- bell for you andothers;ani to his ends. And this . is all that you can warrantably believe. But if you. pray for that which bath both a command and a particular prorìeije ( as the pardonof fin, and ne-, ceflary grace and life eternal to a believer) you , may be fore that this prayer fhall be granted in: kind. So that you are not to judge of the anfwec ofprayer s, by your feelings and paJJions and irn, piles, but by the promife of God, which you mu (I . believe will be fulfilled what ever you feel : Faith and not feeling mutt tell you whether your prayeg be accepted. Nay if you fhould receive health or wealth or gifts for your felves or others," when you hav : prayed for theme. 5 you cannot tell whether it be,, 2