4J1 ral cruelty , or by a Religious cenforious cruel- ty, which firike but uncharch and damn them, and fepeAte from them as men unfit for chrifban communion. And whileft the Pa- tiors take another courfe, we muff patiently wait and pity the Church, and fore-fee our fur- ther mifery in this prosnollick ; though the guilty being puffed up with the conceits of their precioufnefs to God, do promife themfelves the defires of their hearts. Ara not the fans of Levi yet refined ? when they have been in fo many furnaces and fo long.! When vvifedom, holinefs and humility are their nature, and felfilh pride and vvorldlinefs are cured, this wrinkled malignant ENVY will then ceafe ; and an honeft emulation to excel one another in wifdome and Love and all good works, will then take place. And then we ¡hall nor, like drunken men, oneday fight andwound each other ; and the next day cry out ofour wounds ; and yet go on inour drunken fits, to make tern wider,