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1-2 Scriptupes for Peace andPatience DiRtCT, XXiI. .Laflly, Let all the, C,Mtinl/7ers ®f Chrif#,, f deeply fiudy . their wonderful! pattern of Love and .t.endernefs, metknels andpati- ence, and all tho e p. ffages of Holy Scrip- ture , whichfill! comnitild thefeverities to 'hisferva. is , till thtir fouls are cajli into facr.ed mould ,. and habituated to this .Image and Imitation of their Lord : end then Vertue will go from them , and they will be healing among all where.ever they fhill come 5As fire goeth out from the flinty contenders by their collifionsc which vnaketh them fflill incendiaries and confa mers ofthe Churches Peace. Will therefore end there'Direetions with the bare repetition of forne more of thofe fa- cred words, ( betides thofe forecited) which may be fit to breed fuch a gracious habit, in thofe that will faithfully ttudy and receive them. Ifs. 9. 6, 7. The government Tail be laid up- on his shoulder , and his name fhall be called Wonderful, Counfellor, the mighty God, the everlafiing father, thePrince of Peace . Of the increafeof his Government and Peace there thall be no and. Ifa. 40. a á . He shall feed his flock like a eg