in the rafters. 413 epherd; he {hail gather the lambs with his arrrt, 'and carry them in.his.bofome, and (hall gently 4ead thofe that are with young. 1fa. 42..1, 2, 3.4. Behold my fervant whom I uphold : mine elec51 in whom my foul delighteth: !have put my fpirit upon him ; he fha11 bring forth judgement to the Gentiles : I-Ie shall not cry, nor lift up, nor caufe his voice to be heard in theftreet : A bruited reed shall he not break and the fmoking flax fhall he not quencla:he 'hall bring forth judgement unto truth : He than tide fail nor be difcouraged,till he have fet judgement in the earth ; and the hies (hall wait for hi§ law. 1P. 44. 3, 4, 5. I will pour water upon h i that is thir{fy,-:and floods upon the dry ground :: I will peur rn fpirit on thy feedand my blel{ing, on thy off- fpring And they fpring tip as a- mong the grafs, as willows by the water-courfes :. One {hall fay, I am the Lords, and another ¡hall call himfelf by the name of Taccb: and another ¡hall fubfcribe with his hand unto the Lord, and furname himfelf by the name ofIfrael. Pfal. i I0.2, 3. Rule thou in the midff of thine enemies : Thy people Thal' be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holinefs. ,Ezell, 34. z, 3, 4, S S'o to tlî,e Thepherds of If ad that teed tbemfelves ; Mould not the frepa herds feed the flocks ? Ye eate the fat and cloath youwith the wool , ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flack : The difeafed have ye not ffrengthened':; neither have ye healed that which was fork ; neither have ye bound up that which was broken; r.either ha)e ye brought aE,ain th,t