Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

414 Scriptures for Peace andPatience which was driven away, neither have ye fought that which was loft ; but with Force and with Cruelty have ye ruled them ; and they were feat- tened becaufe there's no ¡hepherd --, Read the cell of that Chapter: ¡f4., I t. And there fha11 come forth a rod out of the km of Pere, and a branch ¡hall grow out ofhis roots : And the fpirit of the Lord ¡hall. reli upon him, the fpirit of wifedorne and under.- flandíng , the fpirit of counfel and might , the fpirit of knowledge , and of the fear of the Lord: and ¡hall make him of quicknnderf}anding in the fear ofthe Lord, and he ¡hall not judge af- ter the fight of his eyes, nor reprove after the hearing of his ears ; but with righreoufrefs ¡hall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth ë and he ¡hall finite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips ¡hall he flay the wicked The wolf 'hall dwell with the lamb, and-the leopard ¡hall lie down with the kid and the calf and the young lion and the fatting together ; and a little child thatl lead them r And the cow and the bear. ¡hall feed ; their young ones ¡hall lie down toge- ther : and the lion ¡hall eat (craw like the oxe ; and the fucking child ¡hall play on the hole of the afp, and the weaned child 'hall pat his hand on the cockatriceden. They 'hall not hurt, nor de= firoy in all my holy mountain : foi. the earth ¡halt be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the fea. See alto cap. 65425. 4.4. 2. a, 3 , 4, 5. And it 'hall come to pafs in the Lift dayes, that the mountain of the Lords houfe ¡liai! beeflablilhed i th; top of the wool-. tains,