to ¡he PaHors. 411 'tans, and (hall be exalted above the Nils, and all nations (hall flow unto it : And many people fhall go and fay, Come ye and let us go up t® the Mountain of the Lord , to the houfe of the God of facob,andhe will teach as of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: For out ofZion Ihall °d forth the Law, and the woi d of the Lord from lermfalem : And he (hail judge among the nati- ons, and shall rebuke many people : And they (hall beat their fvvgrds into plow-(hares , and theirfpears into pruninghooks ; Nation thall not lift up fword agaIna nation, neither íhall they learn wars any more. O houfe of f acob , conne ye and let us walk in the light of the Lord. Mal. z 1, 6, ?, 8, 9, s o. My covenant was with (Levi) of life and peace ; and I gave them t© him for the fear wherewith he feared me, --- The law of truth was in his mouth , and iniquity was not found in his lips He walked with me ín Peacé,and Equity ; and did turn many from quity : For the Priefls lips fhould keep know- ledge and they fhould feek the Law at his mouth: for he is the Meffenger of theLord ofhofls. But ye are departed out of the tray : ye have caufed many to (tumble at the Law : ye have corrupted the Covenant of Levi; Therefore have I alfo Made you contemptible and bafe before all the people, according as ye have not kept my wayes but have been partial in the Law. Zech.9:9. Behold thy king cometh unto thee he is juft, and having falvation ; lowly and ri ding on an afs He flail fpeak peace to the hea. then, and his dominion Ball be froth fea to fea