How P.; ors fiapprelf etrour,s, 4'17 L4 1z. 14, Whomade me a judge or á divi- der over you ? I Pet. S. 2, 3, 4. Feed the flock ofGod which is among you, raking the over -fight thereof ; not by co: fL aint but willingly ; not for filthy lucre, but ofa ready mind . Neither as being Lords o- ver (or, Over-ruling ) Gods heritage, but be- ing enfamples to the flock : And when the chief Tepheard (hall appear, ye íhall receive a crown of Glory. 2 ear. Y. 24. Not for that we have domini- on over your faith , but are helpers of your joy. M tb. 2.3. 8. Be not ye called Rabbi ; for one is your Mailer, Chrift : and all ye are bre- thren. i, 2. Leta ,man fo account of us as of the Miniffersol Chrift, and Stewards ofthe my- aeries of God. 2 Cor. 10.8. & 13. 8, Ho. For we can dono- thing againff the truth, but for the truth; .accor- ding to thepower, which the Lord 113th given me to edification, and not to deftru&ion. AL. 20. i 8, 19. Ye know after t, hat manner i have been with you at all feafons : ferving the Lord with all humilityof mind, and .wi:h many tears, -- ío And have taught you publickly and from hoüfe t4 houfe -- In every City bonds and aífái&íons abide me;but none of there things move one, Neither count I my life dear unto my fJF, that I might fni,h my coui fe with joy ; and the niniffery which I have a eceived of the Lord Je- fus, to teftifie to you the grace of God. ------ 29; 30, 31á Grievous WolvesThal enter G g z