420 Hats Minifters rnts f1 fuperefs errors. J fus, that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorifie God Wherefore receive ye oneanother, as Chritt received us to the glory of God. 3. 15, It 6. Let us as many as beperfe&` be thus minded, and if in any thing ye be other- wife minded , God fhall reveal even this unto you. Neverthelefs wheretowe have already at- tained, let us walk by the fame ruse, let us mind the fame things. Eph. 4. z, 3. With all low'inefs and meek- nefs, with long fufferingtforbearing one another in love : endeavouring to keep the unity of the fp.irit in the bondof peace t g. Speaking the truth in love /6. Edifying in love. 5Phil. 2. 3. Let nothing be done through firife or vain-glory but in lowliness ofmind, let each efleenl other better than themfelves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man allo c4the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was in Chrift Jefus that made himfelf of no reputation .--- 14. ho all things without murmurings and difputingc. 74m. 3. 17, The wifdome from above is firfi pure, then peaceable, gentle, eafie to be intrea- ted, fall of mercy, c. Thej. 2. 5, 6, 7. Neither at any time ufed We flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloak of covetoufnefs, God is witnef Nor of men fought we. glory, neither of you nor yet of others, when we might have been burthenlome (or ufed authority') as the ApoífIes of Chrrfr : But we were gentle anvmg you , even as a nurfe Cheri $heth her childr n, So being affe&innately defïa rows