426 Texts 'hewing the Cainites way, Read a l to Ee.r .z 4 13, 14, Is, 17.. EA. 3.8. Harman faid to the King --- There isa certain people fcattered abroad, and difper- fed among the people, in all the Provinces pithy Kingdome ; and their Laws are divers from all people, neither keep they the Kings laws : there- fore it is not for the Kings profit to fufier them. Dan, 3.12. There are certain Jews--- that O King have not regarded thee ; they ferve not thy Gods, nor worship the golden Image which thou bat} fet up Dan. 6. f. We 'hall not find any occafion a- gain['; this Daniel, except we find it againfi him concerning the. Law of his God-7.All the Prefi- dentsof the Kingdome,the Governours andPrim ces, the Counfellors and Captains have confulted together to of ablith a royal ílatute, and to make a firm decree, that whofoever tall ask a petition aaf any God or man for 30 dayes, (ave of thee O Kinghe be caft into the den ofLions. v, i r. Thefe men affembled and found Daniel praying andmaking fupplication before his God ( which he did three times a day as aforetime) . 13 They fail, that Daniel that is of the captivity,regardeth not thee OKing, nor the Decree that thou haft fgned,but maketh his prayers three times a day-- Amu 7. t 2, i3. iinotedah faid to Am is,0 thou Seer, go flee thee away into the Land ofJuda, and there eat bread and prophefie there : But pro- phetic not again any more at Bethel : for it is the Kings Chappel, and it is the Kings Court. Aitth. 23. 29, 30, 31 Wo unto you Scribes, Pharifees, Hypocrite; , becaufe ye build the tombs of the Prophe:s,and garnifh the fepulchres of IMO