The way of ï vliDi3 by riolence. The Way of Peace The tray of D1vî by .Love and ,[cl sa-' fion ;by ' Separat nalityo ration. I. Depart from AQhere to the the Apoiioli- ancient fimpleChri-, cal prim-itivefiianity , and make fimplicity; and make thingslyour Concord and un-neceífary ,'Communion, which fern neceffary is not necefiary. in Doctrine , Wor hip, Dif II, cipl fine and Converfation. II. Endure no Man that is not of your mind and Way ; But force all to concord upon thefe terms of yours, whate= ver it col. a Depart from the Apofiolical Primia tive fimplicity t oil pretence of aria obferving itr ; And make New. duties andneve fins, which fcripture makes not foche Love your neigh- bours as your felvs ; Receive thofe. that Chriftreceivetb,and that held the necefa- ries of Camnunion ; be they Epifcopal, Presbyterian, Inde- pendants, Anabap- tiffs Arminiahs Calvinifis, 'etc. fo rhey be not proved Heretical or nicked: Account all t hare ungodly that ufe fe* prayers, or vvorlhip not God in the fame manner as you,do. H h III,