Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

4y Violence. Brand allDif- fenters withthc odiousnames of Schi(maticks , Hereticks a-or feditious Re- bSl$ ; ;hat they may become hateful; to high 200 1.9vv. Iv' When this bath greatty; increafed their t?ifaffe&lion to yoa aGGuft their RéÍPsio; of all the ex pre(fions of that, difaffeai-i dn, to make it odious alfo. V. Take thofe for your ene mies that Ore their friends, á thoff. Byr LoTe. By Separation. III. Speak evil of no man, and epecialty of Dignities & Ru- fers : Revile not when you are revi- led : fpeak molt of the good that is it Diífenters ; and do them all the Good you can.. Brand all Dfffem.- ters with the odious names of gracelefs formal:. s :, Thlt yo' may make them all fern unlovely to om tier. IV. IV. If any wrong you he the more wa;tchfui When this bath over yourpa/fions, & ',Fred them up to opinions and tenpqes : wrath , call them felt Paflìon carry Ticledperfecutors,and you into extrexms : have no communion. Love your enemies; with them. - lefs.thernthat curie you;do good to them hat hate you and V. 'tray for them that defp,ightfiillynfeyou B ckbice"and re- tnd perfecute you : proach all chofe ai \nd do not evil ,Compliers with fin, hat good may coméor fuch as firerig- 1y it. then the hands of V. the ztickkd and the Impartially judgperfecutors , who )f men by Gods in- would recal you to ere(} in ahem and Love and Humility aot your onnor youriAnd cherish all feols Parties. be