} By Violence. By Leve. By Sepotrettion. thbfe for your parties. Reprove the friends which wayes,of Love-kit- are their ene. Iers and Backbiters ; mies: And the- and-fa not the fear rifh thofe be of their twrathh or they never fo Cenffres carry you bad,that will be into a compliance agairift them, with them, or caufe and help yol t you by filence to en rootäthem out, courage them : But rejoyce if you mould be Martyrs But reinem- rar Loveand Pence ber that for all For this you muti come to judge- ment. Bleffed are the week, for they (halt inherit the earth. And read Bleffed are the thefe following Peacemakers, for they words of Mr. Jhall be called the R. . lookers , children of God. which he. ufeth Bleffed are they Read A17.20.30; of fom¢ part ofwhich are perfecuted i Cor. 1. 10, 13 the Hidlory , for Righteonfnefsfake 3. 3. Rom. 16. 17, which out offor theirs u the King- 18. yam. 3, a 3, 14, Sulpitires I be-`dome of heaven. 15, i 7. Study fore mentio -I thefe on your knees. ped ; `Eccltf., d'o1.Epifiz.Dedic, 1 be they never fo er- roneous or Paff x ate that will take your part,and (peak againft them : But Pint , when the Wrath which you thus kindled bath confumed you ; Se- condly, or your Di,; vifions crumbled you all to daft : Thirdly, and your fcandals hardened men to fcorn Reli- gion to their dam- nation ; remember, 'o to the world be- ssufe of offences, and wo to him by whom ffence cometh. Hh2.