Baxter - BV649 B3 1670

`' Ídeny not but that Our Antagonifls in thefe Con- ", troverfies, may peradventure have met with force not ''unlike to Macias , who mightily bending himfeif "all means again[+ the Herefie of Prifcillian, ( the ha- 4` trod of which one evil was all the Vertue be had 4) be- came fo wife in the end, that every man carefull ` of vertuous converfation , fludious of the Scrip- " ture, and given to any abstinence in diet, was fet "down in his Kalender for fufpe ten Prijcillianiflf: . "For whom it thould be expedient to approve their ej foundnefs of faith, by a more licentious and loofa be re haviour. Such Proctors and Patrons the truth " might:fpare. Yet is not their grofsnefs fo intollera- 4` ble as on the contrary fide, the fcurrilous and snore "` than fatyrical immodeffyof;AQartinifm ; the fii ft pub- .. et lifhed fchedules whereof being brought to the hands of.a graveand very honourable Knight, with fgnifi- `e cation given that the Book would refrelh his fpirits, " he took it, law what the title was , read over an "' unfavoury fentence or two, and delivered back the =4.4ibel with this anfwer ;, 1 am ferry gore are ofthe mind " to befolaced aid) theft fperts, and Prier goy have herein " thought my affii1ion likeyour own. FLa!z's.