of common Prpf«[ors. z` but upon /Iicicnt.proof : An unproved hypocrite or (inner, is no hypocrite orfirmer in the judgment of the Church and therefore Hypocrites are al- ways a greatpart of the vifible Church. Other_ wife Church-Communion would be founded on i-neer injuftice and tyranny; ifmen fhall be called Ignorant, Scandalous and Hypocrites without proof. And therefore to exclude baptized profef - fors,, by whole Parifhes or Mu'titudes, without bringing proofagainfl each perf none iby one, is quite to over-turn Chrifls rules and order, and Church Conftitutions and all Church jaflice I confefs it is the thing which I have long lamented ,(and often written of efpeoially in my Treatife of 'Co4rrnation) thatthofe who a~e baptized in In- fancy, are not called to a more explicite under- flanding profeffìon of the Covenant then made, and have not a more folemn tranfition into the numer of adult Communicants : And we are not out of hope that this may at la-ft be brought to pifs. S'-rt in'the mean time, 'the fame pertnr though lefs redularly domake profefîon of the fame thing both at the Lords Table, arid' in their ptibliek' P(irfhip, and in iheir common clairc to the faith and honour of Chriftianity, fo that all fuch mutt be reje6ted as hypocrite; upon accafation and proof ofImpenitency ánforme grofsfin, and not in the Imp as if theywere nopr.fefors. For pro f rs certainly they are. And though I abhor their malignity who would . vilifè Religion, by over-hafly accu#ìng of higher Profeffors ; and would flatter thei wicked and ignorant, by making an indifferency and tepidity Teem ffhïcient in title things of Clod; yet God would