Baxter - BX5202 B29 1689

1' (8o) laters, and againft fcandalous hardening them in their fin: i3ecaufe Papifts are known to kneel to the Bread as unto God and worfhip it. And thefe Papifs live among us, and are now hoping to f;t up their Idolatry. Though for my part I think that the publick Do&rive of the Church, takes off this argument of Scandal, yet it is fuch as very Lear- ned and holy men think valid : as you may fee in Mr. Rcaher- ford's Letters, and many others. 4. And ad hominem, I fee not what the Excommunicators can fay for themfelves, while they condemn all of Schifm that obey not General Councils, efpecially the four firft, and that differ from the Univerfal Churches cuftomes : And yet the very firft' Nicene Council, and divers after forbid all Kneeling in adoration onany Lord's day in the year, and on any weeks clay between Eafter and Whitfunday. And all the Ancients aflixre us that this was one of. the chief ceremonys that the Church then called Univerfal agreed in. And it was never put down by any other General Council, but at Rome grew out of cuftome by degrees, and that not till a thoufand years after Chrift as Dr. Heylin confef 'eth. And #hall thefe fame men that cry up the Church and the Laws of Councils Excommunicate thofe that obey them as Schifmaticks, and pafs for the followers of the Church them- felves ? In a word, I dareno more calf godly Chriftians fromChrifts Sacrament, for fearing leali Kneeling in Receiving be a fym- bolizingwith Idolaters contrary to theSecond Commandment, than I durit turn Widows and Orphans out of their inhe- ritance for not fpeaking the fame language, or wearing the flame falhionsas I do. CHAP.